Serve for success

Selecting the right range is only one part of the process, to get sales flying, it’s all in the delivery.

It's all in the delivery

No one likes a flat beer, or a warm soft drink. Not surprisingly, over 8 in 10 of your customers would be inspired to order and pay more if they saw a drink served well and made in an interesting way.

It’s important to make sure your serve matches with the experience you want your guests to have when they visit your outlet. The more premium your venue, the higher the expectation is for sensational drinks experiences and customers are willing to spend more for products perceived as premium.

Why is serve important?

  • It delivers a better experience for your guests

  • It helps keep drinkers coming back to the bar

  • It also encourages people to keep come back to your venue

  • A ‘better’ serve allows a trade up opportunity and increased spend per head

  • Your other guests will see it, and want it!

Educate your staff to follow our simple serve guidelines and principles, creating a better experience for your guests.

Delivering sensational serve checklist

  1. Glassware
    • First impressions count, so to create the right impression think about how the finished drink will be presented. The style of glassware you use to serve the finished drink in speaks volumes about the quality.
  2. Garnish
    • Those extra touches make a good drink, into a great experience. Garnish not only adds extra flavour dimension to a drink, but also shows you care. 
  3. Staff training
    • Guests are looking for an experience they could not get at home. It's the craft of the bar tender that keeps them coming back for more. Training is vital to ensure that every drink is served with panache.
  4. Pricing
    • It's a fact, guests are willing to pay more for a better quality of experience, so here's your chance to up your game, and make more profit from each serve.
  5. Temperature
    • Drinks should be served at the right temperature, so add ice to cold drinks, serve beers cold (unless ale), white wine chilled and red wine at room temperature. A few degrees can make a real difference.

Tips: Check out our sensational drinks recipes for great ideas on presentation.

Good, Better, Best

Whilst guest expectations are changing you can continue to surprise and delight them. Think about your current drink presentation. Are you good; could you do better; or are you at the cutting edge of presentation? No matter what the drink, it can always be enhanced, from branded glasses to serve beers, ciders and soft drinks, to the right cocktail and wine glasses styles to enhance the drink experience.

Drinks Recipes


