Sign up to Uber Eats for free

Sensational Drinks exclusive offer:
save £499 sign up fee

Uber’s global platform gives you the flexibility, visibility and customer insights you need to connect with more customers. Partner with us today.  

Why Uber Eats?

Unlock new growth
Thousands of Uber Eats users may be searching for food in your area. Uber Eats help you reach them.

Delight customers
With fast, reliable delivery, you can delight your customers with the food they want, where and when they want it.

Manage it all with ease
Orders run smoothly with Uber Eats restaurant software, flexible integration options, and support when you need it. Even signup is fast.

How do I claim free sign up?

Click the link below and fill in the enquiry form.

When contacted by Uber Eats for more details and to discuss the set up of your new offering, simply mention that you are a Sensational Drinks customer and they will ignore the £499 sign up fee. It is that simple.

This is a Sensational Drinks member exclusive.