
Build your best menu

Want customers to spend more in your outlet, try your specials or order the more expensive bottle of wine? Use the art of menuology.

Menus allow you to influence your guests into eating and drinking what you want to drive, whether that be new dishes, higher margin items or focus drink lines. They are often the first interaction between your staff and your guests – the perfect opportunity to create a first great impression. Your staff can also help your guests to navigate the menu, highlighting specials or new and interesting items that you want to sell.

A dedicated drinks menu is key for customers decision making, particularly for the 52% of customers who spontaneously select their drinks once they are inside the venue[1]. In fact, 79% of consumers describe the drinks menu as ‘very important’ to their decision of what to purchase and in their view, price and brand, followed by ingredients, dietary details and premium options are the most important features[2].

Encourage your staff to give the guest enough time to browse the menu before taking their order – this will move your guests away from low margin drinks such as lime & soda. Another important tip is to keep the drinks menus on the table so your guests have the opportunity to order another drink.

Menu principles

Follow our simple 8 menu principles to tempt your guests into spending more.

Customisation cues

Customising plays to consumers’ new-found preference for personalised experiences. These days, there’s nothing consumers like more than the chance to design their own dish or get personal with their drink. It also drives spend per head and loyalty.

Operators are increasingly adopting digital menu personalisation at the point of purchase to ensure relevance and meet consumer demands. Within the digital menu, they are leveraging suggestive selling to recommend additional menu items that compliment consumers’ current orders increasing basket size and spend[3].

Whether it’s a go large option for great value, an extra syrup to add to your unlimited softs or allowing your customers to tailor their soft tails or mocktails, menus are a perfect way to allow your guests to upgrade and go bespoke.

Sustainability and sourcing

Ethical sourcing and sustainability are growing in importance to both consumers and operators with 48% of grocery and foodservice professionals now prioritising sustainability initiatives in their businesses.[4]

Nearly half of all menus (48%) now feature a claim about product sustainability[5] so make sure to emphasise your sustainable dining practices including the use of locally sourced, seasonal ingredients or ethical approaches to protein sources. Copy and design are a great way to get the message across to eco-conscious consumers.

Nutritional know-how

The proportion of the UK population identifying as vegan is rising fast. In many cases these aren’t just fads; they’re permanent lifestyle choices or dietary necessities.[6] What premises put on their menus in relation to nutrition is therefore vital. It can make the difference between guests being impressed or deciding not to return.

Overall, 44% of new dishes are tagged with a dietary requirement[7]. Drinks menus are devoting more space to nutrition, too. So, if you have a nutritional claim, make sure your guests know about it.

Healthy heroes

With 42% of consumers having attitudes and behaviours that are very health conscious and 14% opting not to drink alcohol[8], it’s vital to showcase your healthy credentials on your menu. However, clarity is key and health can mean different things to different people - from lower calorie options, to functional benefits or drinks with natural sugars.

But with 29% of operators having seen an impact of introducing calorie labelling on menus as legislation became commonplace in 2023,[8] it’s something you should be highlighting.

Budget busters

We live an era when value is vital and offers are a must-have for cash-strapped consumers. With more discretionary spend being taken off the table by consumers, they’re looking for menu offerings that add value and save money. In fact, a third (33%) of consumers state it’s important that a drink feels like good value. This can mean a simple value-led soft proposition but can also means a more premium offering served well, that’s simply good value for money[10].

Overall, 4 in 10 people choose to go to a venue based on perceived value for money, making it the second most important factor behind only cleanliness[11].

It seems like financial worries won’t be over any time soon. This will only drive more value-conscious consumers to seek out those drinks that truly offer great value for money.

Tantalising treat

With consumers going out less often but spending more when they do, providing guests with a treat or a more premium trade up is a must have you should not be missing out on.

Treat is a leading reason why consumers eat or drink out of home. Quality counts. 73% of consumers are happy to pay more for higher quality[12]. So, what’s on the menu matters: after prices and brand names, consumers rate premium options as one of the most important menu features.

Food for thought

Soft drinks are the No.1 drinks when served with food[13]. Whilst all types of drinks have been found to play a central role at mealtimes, softs take the number one spot given they are drunk across all day parts and occasions.

With 7 in 10 dishes accompanied by a soft drink[14] - a total that’s ahead of wine and beer - pairing options offer food for thought for consumers.

Having the right soft drink with a meal is becoming more important as consumers seek enhanced mealtime experiences, and some guests will expect recommendations on which beverages go well with certain food. Take a look at our food and drink pairing guide for some ideas.

Food and drink pairing guide

Easy experiences

When they’re going out, guests don’t just want a drink. They want an experience. Interactive, innovative and differentiated experiences are in growth. 61% of consumers have attitudes that mean they are experience – led, and that increases to 66% for 18 – 34 year-olds[15].*

Operators can help by providing guests with something new and different and adding excitement to serves such as seasonal serves, limited editions, twists on classics, tapping into sporting events or even unique serves that pair with the outlets’ cuisine. Adding experience will keep them coming back for more.

So, whether it’s your humble gin and tonic with a twist, a jaw dropping cocktail, a non - alcoholic mocktail or even just a simple soft, serving it well with an attractive glass, plenty of ice and a tantalizing garnish can create desire, another purchase and command a higher price point. Therefore, providing that ‘perfect serve’ will add to a better experience for guests.

And if there’s a photo opportunity, even better. These days many drinkers are in it for Instagram, hoping to share their sensory experience on social. So, make sure your serves also get seen!

1.CGA    2.CGA   3.Lumina Menu & Food Trends Report 2023   4.Lumina Menu & Food Trends Report 2023   5.Lumina Intelligence, April 2024   6.Lumina Intelligence   7.Lumina Intelligence   8.Lumina Intelligence Menu & Food Trends Report – 2023   9.Lumina Intelligence Top of Mind Business Leaders Survey, August 2023.   10.CGA Consumer Pulse Survey   11.CGA Consumer Pulse Survey   12.Lumina Intelligence Menu & Food Trends Report – 2023   13.CGA low & no Alcohol Report 2019. Sample: 2699   14.CGA low & no Alcohol Report 2019. Sample: 2699

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